Joint Stock Company Central Research Institute "BUREVESTNIK"

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   The success in the development of competitive automatic naval guns is closely connected with the name of Georgy P. Ryndyk – the Chief Designer of BUREVESTNIK.

Georgy P. Ryndyk

   Georgy Ryndyk was born on 6th of May 1916 in the city of Gitomir. In 1941, he graduated from Moscow Machine-Tool University and started his career as an engineer at the Heavy Engineering Factory in the former Sverdlovsk-city (now Ekaterinburg). Later he became the Head of the Chief Designer Department of Sverdlovsk Heavy Engineering Factory.
   In 1960s there emerged a demand in a new light and efficient multipurpose automatic naval gun that could be installed on small displacement ships and boats including hydrofoil boats. This gun was also necessary for small missile ships and missile boats enabling them to counter air and surface threats when all missiles are gone or within the area where the targets cannot be engaged with missiles.
   In November 1967, a new Design Bureau was formed at Gorki Mechanical Engineering Plant to design new automatic naval guns. The first contract awarded to the enterprise was A-220 gun development. In February 1968, G. Ryndyk, who had the experience in the development of KS-19, KS-30 and KS-6V anti-aircraft guns, was appointed Deputy Chief Designer of BUREVESTNIK Design Bureau. Later, when BUREVESTNIK Design Bureau was transformed to Central Research Institute, G. Ryndyk became Chief Designer Naval Artillery.
   Under his leadership the famous АК-176 naval gun was designed and introduced into service. This was the first new-generation 76-mm gun with linkless ammunition feed. The new gun that surpassed the foreign counterparts in performance became the basic armament of USSR Navy patrol ships.
   In 1980, the АК-176 design team led by Ryndyk was awarded the State Prize. Georgy Ryndyk had the title of «Honored Engineer of RSFSR» (1982), was a companion of «Badge of Honor» (1956) and «The Red Banner of Labour» (1971) orders.


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